

dream massageTo indicate quite sexually in most cases. Who can be massaged, wants to leave in the love the most comfortable ones. If one himself massages an another, different wishes wake up. The dream massage also, however, means the endeavours sometimes to squeeze out something from us which could do harm to us. Thus this describes that one should solve mental tensions and break out of compulsions and habits. Massage (masseur) can also point to a beginning illness which still causes no symptoms.


Also in the dreamt massage it is about the pleasure being relaxing (and often also erotic) touch. But if one even dreams of it, it expresses the relevant ‘withdrawal symptoms’ (and the absence of tenderness and positive body contact). Here somebody longs quite too long in vain for embraces, touches and affectionate skin in skin to experiences. There are disagreeable massage dreams also: They register that one has too come close somebody in negative kind ” and that one itself ‘of his skin resist’ had to go.



  • are massaged: you have petty worries.

(European ones).:

  • one becomes ill and must try to take preventive measures, – also: Soon one will have achieved a big aim. Then it is a time to insert a vast rest.
  • see in others: To return reminder, again on the way which one has left,
  • even in other distinguished one: one will correct something or rectify,
  • order in itself: points to disturbances by some irregularities.

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One Response for Massage dream symbol

  1. jetun

Dream interpretation and meaning : Massage

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