

dream lilacLilac circumscribes feelings, the longing for love and tenderness and the colour is important. Besides, it often concerns romantic love which can be out-of-touch a little. Wilted lilac announces a dear disappointment, the lilac bush often a frivolous love affair.



  • blossoms see: the love approaches, is close – an engagement or wedding, – (22, 35)
  • smell: Dear joys, – dear awakening,
  • lilac tree tea: you have hurt a dear person.

(European ones).:

  • symbol of the offered love, also of the longing for an offer,
  • see: one has longing for love and affection,
  • see wilting: if a disillusionment brings after a love affair,
  • pick: one will get admirers or female admirers with romantic disposition,
  • fragrant: if a surprise promises, – awaking love and romantic feelings registers,
  • stand under a lilac bush: if means a careless love affair,
  • receive a lilac bunch given: if a declaration of love tells in.

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  1. jess

Dream interpretation and meaning : Lilac

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