Association: – Flexibility, – humility. Question: – Where in my life I must bend?
The joint in the leg symbolises a switch station in the life, – here it is provided for the fact that everything runs as smeared. Where the knee hurts, one does not make headway surely, must count on sluggish trend of affairs. Stiff knees conclude by the unbending position of the environment towards the dreaming. Who bends the knees, has the right humility, – who slides, however, on the knees, is probably humiliated in the awake life by own guilt of others. Knee stands often also for erotic needs, but also other desires can appear in it which one must rein more.
One must put the knees to physical strength and Mannestum, to movements and enterprises in respect. If they are strong and healthy, they demonstrate advisable to carry out a trip or, otherwise, another change, and prophesy to the dreaming enterprises and health, – the opposite if she strikes a suffering. If one dreams that from the knee a plant hervorgesprossen is, the knees will refuse her service, – a sick person will die after this dream experience. Since from the earth there sprouted the plants, and in the earth the components of the body resolve. I know somebody to whom it dreamt, a reed has grown out of his right knee, – it happened that a Fistel forms in the knee of the person concerned, – then the sign pipe has knot, and one manufactures ‘Fisteln’ (panpipes) from him. The knees often point to the brothers and companions because also she fraternizes together and companions are. Further they call released, – then they just provide her services like the feet, only they are above the same and consequently mean not slaves, but released.
- The knee means every human activity.
- Having to themselves get somebody in the knee pushed or a blow against it, he will get for a while in his occupation in bad distress.
- Being the knees burntly or got frostbite, so that he cannot go any more unhindered, he will come to the begging stick and live in narrow relations.
- cured he his knees successfully, his poverty for prosperity.
- Being the knees completely bent and become absolutely immobile, after long illness from the life.
- Seeming it one, his knees have gained strength, so that he can fast run, everything will succeed what he undertakes under his hands, – a woman will get agile feet and go manhunting.
- injure themselves: your degradation was unnecessary,
- injured, suffers have or see: by business obstacles suffer damage, – deterioration of the relations,
- nicely and healthy: happy shops,
- rounds: Luck in the love,
- ask due: you are in big need and find no help,
- bend, slide on it or sit down: Humiliations of different kind will remain not saved to you. (60, 7)
he will exchange
each will separate
(European ones).:
- symbolic disguising for easy passions in play or love, – is valid as a bad sign,
- see: Restlessness at the work,
- have a healthy one: if luck means in all shops,
- believe, the own would be too big: sudden misfortune will come up on one,
- have the ill: if illness or bad shops tells in,
- the wounded: if means restlessness,
- have bleeding wound in it: Deterioration of the material situation,
- the swollen: Grief, – one will face to an event helplessly,
- stiffly and aching: are struck by sudden menacing misery,
- feel tiredness or weakness in it: if means illness,
- dirty ones: if illness is called as a result of excessive life-style,
- shapeless ones: unhappy change cases will destroy the most ardent hopes,
- bend: now one needs humility to bring a certain matter again in the pure one,
- a person see kneeling: one has done wrong to somebody and feels guilty now,
- Being the knees of a woman well-shaped and softy, many admirers are prophesied to her, no marriage candidate is, however, under it.
- the swollen: Poverty, – deterioration of the relations,
- the sore: Wretchedly,
- slide on it: you will have to suffer humiliations.
- some other way (arab).
my knee was broken in half, with a cloth inside it, full of blood, but it didn’t hurt at all