

dream kingAssociation: – noble aspect of the masculinity (femininity). Question: – Where in my life I am ready to live my male (female) forces?


The dream symbol of the king can be an archetypal father’s symbol. If the king is menacing in the dream or is demoniacal, this can be a tip to the fact that the dreaming has freed himself not yet of the father, however, starts to realise at least already of the problems. The king embodies a kind about conscience which can often give valuable instructions to the dreaming. It is the uppermost psychic authority. The archetype of the father who can provide assistance in difficult situations. With this picture the father’s child’s respect is often lighted up and the subordinate position is indicated by the father-figure. The queen is an old symbol (archetype) for the mother after Jung. In such a case one would like to dominate rather the feelings of other people. If one himself is in the role of the king (in) symbolised this the consciousness (also: Self-confidence) – the ability in the self-determination and self-control – one ‘governs himself’, is a ruler of his arrangements, ideas and sensations (and their conversion in the real areas of life). Also the overcoming of a feeling of inferiority and the development of important ideals can be expressed with it. If one sees himself as a subject, can point to feeling of inferiority or dependence on others. Other meanings can be:

  • The dream king stands general for power striving, material thinking good call and the wish for more esteem and attention.
  • A king’s crown symbolises a future price which is at the moment still except reach.
  • a dream of the coronation of a king in the dream can be interpreted as a symbol that business or financial matters run after plan.
  • a dream in which a king on a stately throne sits can indicate the suspicion that somebody cheats one.
  • one thinks

  • of queens in the dream that they stand for intuition and personal growth.
  • A queen who waves to the mass from a balcony can forecast the arrival of good news of a distant place.
  • Sitting the queen in a richly decorated carriage, this can be connected with the hidden wish for power or fame. A wish for which one should be ashamed.
  • a dream of a king or queen sometimes emphasises the need to position itself to a responsibility and is covered to authority, admonition and excuse.
  • a dream, in the king and queen appear together, harmony means in the soul life.
  • dreams of Highnesss are often directed on the feeling to be a subject. One considers his feelings of the passiveness in the dream and the possible echo of the private life or professional life. If one was delivered to the mercy of the monarch or one could act


  • Being one himself the monarch, can be the dream a reminder ‘to rise from the throne’ and to let get a chance to speak others.
  • If dream king and dream queen chess pieces are, if one thinks about his own trains: Who was threatened by one


  • a king in chess position can be a sign for the fact that a female figure crushes own personality in the life.
  • A menace for the queen is maybe a warning to look out for arrogant people.
  • If the queen symbol on a playing card appears, the dream is maybe connected with feelings of the arrogance and excessive self-assurance. One rather considers, before one speaks audaciously or acts because one could regret usually premature comments or actions.


To be the dream, a king, prophesies to a sick person the death, – then only a king is, like a dead, to nobody subject, – to a healthy it announces the loss of all relatives and separation of the comrades, – then king’s power is indivisible. It means to a criminal imprisonment and brings to light concealed, – then a king stands out under all and is accompanied by many bodyguards. The royal vestments, that is forehead bandage, sceptre and magenta coat mean the same. If a pauper dreams of being a king, he will accomplish a lot what gets call and name, but no material profit him. To a slave it promises the freedom because a king must be completely free. In the highest measure luck-promising the dream face is for a philosopher and a seer, – then there is probably nothing freer and more royal than clear knowledge.



  • see king or queen with crown or speak: indicates at honour, good shops and wealth,
  • see king: a high-ranking personality enters for you,
  • see queen: your longing for love will come true.


  • The dreaming will succeed only if he is discreet and knows how to make a distinction on whom he can count and where he must allow to prevail care. It is a matter of using words and actions in the next time very consciously. In addition, the person concerned would be warned about selfoverestimation – for good reason, because sometimes a trend towards megalomania bursts. (Woman

+ / man +)

(European ones).:

  • adjustment of own person on a leading role, or also correction of a feeling of inferiority, – one will fight with all power and be floated by ambition,
  • see or with him / you speak: means that you will climb up to honour and wealth, – your business lifts,
  • are reproved by him: it expects to a criticism because of a neglected duty,
  • are crowned even to the king: one will trump his friends and colleagues, – also: one will achieve a big aim in short time,
  • be: one holds too much from his abilities, – also: one looks for guidance or would like to conceal his feeling of inferiority,
  • live in a castle: if brings a general improvement of the situation,
  • kings with each other see arguing: big political changes will come,
  • see murder of such: allows to expect sudden unfavorable changes of the material relations,
  • are present at the burial of such: points to an inheritance,
  • see coronation: if brings luck,
  • queen: promises successful speculations, – sign of valuable friendship,
  • an old or careworn queen: Joys are overshadowed by disappointments,
  • she marries

  • Finding to herself a young woman in the present of a king, a man whom she fears.
  • she will take

  • Receiving a woman of the king furtherances, a high position and marry a likeable man.


  • king: high honour waits for you,
  • queen: your wishes come true.

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  1. Janet

Dream interpretation and meaning : King

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