dream hurt


dream hurtAssociation: – Conflict, problem, grief. Question: – What hurts me? Which parts of themselves do I deny?

In general:

Here the opinions of the experts break up. However, it is indicated to speak here of an obstacle dream. On the one hand it is maintained that pains are a very favorable sign for business matters in the dream. Others speak of domestic difficulties. Both versions sometimes turn out appropriate if a married man or fiancée uses too much time for his shops and neglects his woman and family. Here it depends exclusively on the circumstances, nevertheless, is mostly a case of contrary meaning. If it concerns light pain, so probably on account of a physical cause, it is a sign of bad health. If pain is stronger, nevertheless and obviously imaginary, then he points to an important event which will turn out for one very favorable. For the businessman a favorable end, a good business year. He indicates the lover a favorable time to do his matters forward. To the countryman he promises a good harvest with high profit. To the sailor a good, successful trip. However, after Old-Indian dream interpretation pain should announce a happy event in the family.


Pain stands for a mental injury (for example, disappointment, one must often note exclusion, separation), – to the individual interpretation where pain exists, and interpret this symbol, in addition. Point generally to Überempfindlichkeit. If one has them in the diaphragm area or lumbar region, problems stand in a queue in the love which should be got rid, – the vision possibly gives the advice for the amputation, that is to the partner change. Pains in the dream mostly do not point to physical discomfort in the awake life.



  • to strong ones feel: heavy and disagreeable times approach, – your steadfastness will help to you over all unpleasant,
  • to light ones feel: one should not expect of his body too much, – illness danger,
  • headaches: one tries to shift his responsibility on others.


  • light pain sends a reminder to demand of the body not too much. Strong pain announces at first heavy, afterwards, however, very pleasant times. Headaches warn against wanting to push away his responsibility on other people. In any case, the sign contains the call to consider the needs of the body more. (Man


(European ones).:

  • grief will be soon removed from the luck. The greater pain, the bigger luck announces itself. This is valid above all for love and partnership.
  • feel: in a matter one is pessimistic to.


  • feel: Joy in the family and with the children.

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4 Comments for Hurt dream symbol

  1. Genine
  2. Genine
  3. elaine
  4. Ateah

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