dream hero


dream heroThe hero points in the dream to male unripeness, carried too far validity urge and also to adventurousness. This vision wants to point out the dreaming to the fact that he should develop more vigour, assurance, daring, ability of getting through and spirit of enterprise in the everyday life. Deep-psychologically interpreted he often admonishes not to avoid also disagreeable self-knowledge, but to put courageously himself to them, so that one can mature. Who himself was the hero in the dream, it would be with pleasure – he searches recognition, would like to be central. A frequent dream in phases of the general psychic-physical uncertainty if one feels anything but valiant: During the puberty in which Midlife-crises-mood or if one suddenly discovers a typical sign of the Alterns in itself. Was the hero or heroine of the dream somebody which one also admires himself? Then the dream still gives pleasure to one probably behind. This applies particularly if one feels personally drawn to this person and had with her in the dream sex. Admittedly, this kind of dream is not really to be looked as a prediction or prophecy. Has the hero or heroine given advice or has pronounced warnings? Also which qualities one estimated in him / you, matters, and whether one shows this itself. Dreams of this kind strengthen the assurance and give valuable suggestions.



  • in the dream a hero to be or to meet a hero announces success in the little one – provided, you go on working on yourselves and your life. The sign says you that you can be contented and successful if you do not attach your aims too high. Since a hero is somebody who uses his strength properly.

(European ones).:

  • a sensory change of somebody which has felt chilly towards up to now, particularly when one dreams of big heroes of the history.

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