dream hearse


dream hearseIf the dreaming sees a hearse in his dream, he should possibly recognise that there is a temporal limitation for his life or for a plan with which the dreaming carries, or that finally one should bury feelings and expectations.


Maybe the dreaming is encouraged by the dream in his knowledge that a part of itself is not alive any more and that it is maybe better to let go this part instead of reviving him.


At the spiritual level the hearse in the dream always symbolises the death or the end of a thing.



  • meet one: quick loss will appear,
  • see passing: can mean a high loss, but also the Abschiednehmen of dear-become habits and outdated images.

(European ones).:

  • portent of death news, – one will carry out shortly an important change, – one will not succeed in regulating satisfyingly the shops,
  • precrossing see: one should say goodbye from a person, an old habit or a longest outdated setting,
  • see crossing one own way: one will have to argue with a death enemy.

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2 Comments for Hearse dream symbol

  1. genevieve
  2. genevieve

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