dream fruit


dream fruitAssociation: – Fruit, – produced. Question: – What is I to be harvested ready?

In general:

One understands fruit as fruit, – sexual needs, but also signs often stand behind it for wealth of ideas, success and happy idioms in the everyday life.


The fruit kind can play a bigger meaning in the dream. In general the fruit in the dream is a sign for erotic sexülle needs of the dreaming. It depends on the state of the fruit. If the fruit is fresh, ripe and appetizing, it symbolises the joy of life, the sexual pleasure ability and the self-assurance of the dreaming or the wish for it. If the fruit has decayed, however and inedible, express themselves in this picture the insecurity, privations and the sexual disappointment.



  • see the appetizing, ripe: indicates at a pleasant surprise, – stands for self-confidence and joy of life, – the tyre of plans or enterprises,
  • symbolises

  • decayed or wormeaten: one suffers from insecurity in connection with the other gender,
  • allow to decay: you squander your property and your skill, – danger,
  • eat the sweet: a symbol for love affairs,
  • eat the ripe: plentiful food find and good health, – one will still have a lot of luck, – also: you consider your plans with good friends,
  • eat the immature: light illness, – also: if you undertake now something, it brings damage, you should wait a little bit,
  • on trees: good business views, – in the life all possibilities have,
  • give away: you win in love and friendship,
  • in a bowl: one will soon get a visit,
  • in baskets: good advancement,
  • get a basket completely handed: one is afraid to receive a refusal,
  • on a dear application

  • shake and pick up: you have good neighbours,
  • collect: good business prospects and profit views,
  • have in large quantities: attain what one desirably or has striven after, – a lot of salary,
  • shop: you will well put on your money.

(European ones).:

  • almost without exception as a sexual symbol to understand, also in the clearest and strongest form,
  • on trees see: well-being,
  • promises announced success, –

  • in baskets, bowls, etc. see: good shops, – one will have guests or be invited themselves,
  • eat in general: stands for the wish for love affairs,
  • matures, sweet and tasty fruits: Wealth and luck, – good advancement or succeed of a plan,
  • the sour, bitter: Portents of an indisposition or an illness, – difficulties in a plan,
  • see the immature or eat: points to illness,
  • see drop overripe or lying on the earth: one has missed important chances,
  • see the decayed: The care that one is not mocked because of a thing or makes himself ridiculous – one is rather discontented with the development in a respect,
  • see in a business or stand: advantageous shops are at hand,
  • offer: one advertises around the favour of an another,
  • get offered: Warning before a temptation or seduction,
  • receive a fruit basket: one fears in petto to receive a removal in the love,
  • offer: one seriously tries to win the favour of another,
  • of the tree want to shake, without it falls: The admonition that by force nothing can be reached,
  • of the tree pick: if a good advancement,
  • promises

  • of the tree shake: in a thing one should go forward more energetically,
  • of the ground gather: one will be richly recompensed for a small trouble,
  • preserve: one will remain preserved before an unnecessary expenditure,
  • see the potted: in times of the need one will own a savings credit,
  • cook or prepare: if profit on a new way,
  • promises

  • see the cooked or prepared: if means an advantageous change.
  • (ind).:

    • on the tree: you have good views,
    • eat: the people around you are not to you a well reflected,
    • give away: you will soon have profit.

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    1. Michelle

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