dream fingers


dream fingersTo dream about your fingers represents physical and mental agility. They represent the ability to manipulate, act, or express unspoken communication. If your fingers fall off in your dream, this indicates that you are allowing a circumstance to overpower or control you. You could be literally losing control of the situation.

To dream that your fingers are injured suggests that you have fears about finishing some job or task in life.


To dream of a finger pointing at you indicates that you blame yourself for something.

To dream about your little finger indicates your intellectual acuity, recollection, and the strength of communication.

To dream of your forefinger suggests power, focus, and acumen. This dream could be trying to get you to pay attention to some aspect of your life.

To dream about your middle finger indicates wisdom, care, responsibility, feasibility, and dedication. This dream could represent a phallus.

To dream of your ring finger indicates imagination, favorable outcomes, and popularity. It is connected with marriage, commitment, and union.


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