Examination dream dictionary


Examination dream dictionary

Examination – Dream Symbol Interpretation

If one finishes in the dream a check or an exam, one is afraid of that what could bring the future. If one does himself, besides, rather hard, one will be able to achieve his aims only with perseverance and after hard fights. If one falls through in the exam, exactly the opposite effect has for the reality: one will well make headway in the occupation. If one dreams of a final ceremony or has already filed himself an exam, the dream is simply a recognition and commendation for the trouble and achievement, maybe also encouragement for the future. If one is still unsafe as it should go on, one should ask the dreams for other help.



  • are subjected to one: nervous experiences or fear of close decisions, – also: professional excitement and bottlenecks (difficulties),
  • after heavy fight you reach to the aim.

(European ones).:

  • fall through in one: one will pass this if one stands in the life before such,
  • make: one will come to the aim.

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