Ears dream dictionary


Ears dream dictionary

Ears – Dream Symbol Interpretation

The ear, e.g., grain or grass ear, stands in the dream as a symbol for positive living conditions, assurance, confidence, material security, health, strength or also for the longing for the same. Negatively this symbol is understood only if one cannot reach the ear in the dream or she atrophies or seems destroyed. If one collects them, one good success announces with a plan, – the punches are absent, however, one must count on a failure. If they weigh themselves in the summer wind: A sign of the maturity, ‘to itself off of Lösens’ from (disagreeable?) Habit, translates: One will win with a new positive setting to the life new friends. Deaf ears point to hollow feelings which could cause mental tortures. In sheaves engagedly they point to sociability and pleasant meetings. A single one can point out to the fact that new plans mature in you, and a happy chance may come to assistance to them.



  • in general weighed see: Symbol of the maturity of the life work and the fulfilment of the works,
  • ear field: if wealth brings in the house,
  • matures see: one reason for the joy and satisfaction, – a longer planned plan had good chances to become an achieved,
  • inaccessibly, atrophies: failing and destruction of a plan,
  • cut: now your trouble deals success, does not hesitate, the last step,
  • collect: Wealth will make happy you, you make good deals, – read: do not overlook the little things in your life, – these will read to you bit by bit,
  • crush: a plan will be destroyed to you,
  • cerium picking: do not squander valuable property.

(European ones).:

  • many see: good hopes, fulfilment of the wishes,
  • gleaners during the harvest time at the work see: roaring business, – indicates rich crops for the farmer,
  • work together with gleaner: after some annoyance by penetration of your rights, possession attain,
  • collect: Prosperity,
  • single ones: Satisfaction,
  • ear field: are blest by earthly goods,
  • surging ear field: Symbol of the maturity of the life work and the fulfilment of the works, – success in commercial regard,
  • for a woman: Marriage with a stranger.


  • see: your plan will succeed,
  • collect: you can count yourself happy, because what you want to begin, will succeed you,
  • with the feet on it herumsteigen: one is procured around you,
  • entkörnen: you are a little bit too careless, turns back, before it is too late.

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