Dungeon dream dictionary


Dungeon dream dictionary

Dungeon – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Dungeons and dungeons embody unaware isolation and seclusion of the society. The dreamer is enclosed in his own world of thought and gets a little or nothing of what goes forward round him. They should give more attention to your people and take interest in her joys and worries increasingly.



    cold and cruelty will find out

  • you.
  • (European ones).:

    • are in one: one must fight out fights in important things of the life, – by careful action, nevertheless, one will escape obstacles,
    • cannot flee: one must expect business losses,
    • the escape succeeds: everything will become good, even if after some difficulties,
    • see an enlightened one: one will been afraid by involvements,
    • the dream of bad promises

    • of A woman. By her indiscretion she will lose her position.

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