Chess – Dream Symbol Interpretation
Originally the chess symbolised the ‘war’ between property and Nastily. Hence, it can express in the dream still this conflict. Nevertheless, possibly it also points to the need of strategies in the life of the dreaming. Chess mostly asks to use more the mind, so that one is not deceived.
If the dreaming chess plays and loses, this points out to the fact that he pursues in the awake state a project to which no success is given. The dreaming does not dispose of the necessary aid and not about the knowledge to assert himself against bigger powers. Indicates to see itself as a chess player in a favorable position that one works though with alert mind, but uses his superiority generally a lot not enough. If one badly plays, one will probably have to search for himself a partner who has more luck to profit from him. If the chess pieces from nothing but annoyance on the ground are thrown or put away, one should not be reserved, around them to vergraulen in the next time towards good friends.
At the spiritual level the chess in the dream shows the conflict between the powers to light and darkness.
- Dreaming one, he plays with a known chess, will fight both profits half for the victory, and who wins in the dream, a good business will make and achieve the aim which he has put to himself, – however, he plays with a stranger, he will argue with an enemy, however, without bloodshed, and if he wins, his will put through.
- Dreaming of the emperors, a tallness or general, he plays chess in war kind, he will fight with enemies, – he wins, he will achieve all his aims during the war, he is defeated by the player, from his enemies suffer a defeat.
- Seeming it him, he takes away many chess pieces in the play, he will arrest many enemies if not, a setback suffer, – admittedly, the war will bring no decision.
- Dreaming of the emperors, a tallness or general, his chess has got lost, has broken or stolen, he will lose his army and come to the biggest distress.
- see playing: Reminder to cautiousness and circumspection, particularly in dealing with others, – also: is anxious to extend your knowledge and to apply,
- play: a head-breaking work get assigned, – you have good plans, – also: Consider well what you want to do as a next one. Success.
- make an interesting manoeuvre: a quarrel threatens in close future with a good friend,
- learn: you give superfluous trouble, – also to yourself: you are unsafe, if advice from friends,
- chess pieces: you will have to think a lot, – also: you have not enough own opinion.
gets to you
(European ones).:
- see: sends a reminder to the consideration and careful action, – one should not give up the learning if it is also difficult,
- play: promises a clever partner by whom one can attain many advantages, – also: stagnation of the business threatens by omissions, – dull friends and bad health,
- win with the chess: one does not know how to perceive the advantages compulsory by partners or loses this by own mistakes, – also: bad influence can be repulsed,
- lose with the chess: with the help of a clever partner one will achieve to great success and profits, – also: base people prepare for a worry,
- see chess: your success will soon appear,
- play: is careful, one wants to cheat you.