Cauliflower – Dream Symbol Interpretation
- see: big honour,
- own: the honourary acquaintance which is of use,
- eat: profitable shops.
to you
(European ones).:
- loss of friends, indisposition, affliction, – you have not followed to your duties,
- him see growing: Their views will improve after a long hard haul,
she enters
- you will have
- by an acquaintance advantages.
My dream was about cauliflower coming out of my son’s head. He’s 14 years old but on my dream he was about 8, he cut his hair and cauliflower came out instead of hair on the right side of his head, I start pulling it out and the first time, I pull it with some scalp ( no blood) then I pulled slowly and they were coming out from end to end (about 1/4 of his head) trough the scalp easily. I was amazed.