Bible dream dictionary


Bible dream dictionary

Bible – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Old dream books associate the Bible with the household, – in this case she should register that one lives in a happy family or will found them and finds from informal conflicts soon a way out, – this interpretation still comes from a time when many households owned a family Bible as the only book and the family assembled daily in the evening peacefully to the reading from it. In this case she says that the dreaming must deal very carefully with the religion, myths and legends in which he believes. She stands in narrow respect with the right way for which one goes in the life, with the morality images, norms and rules which one follows as a guideline. The person needs a code of conduct which helps him to survive. If one sees them in the dream, this mostly confirms that one lives in the harmony with his own conscience. If one reads in the Bible, this can register that one is in search of the right way and the moral guideline. However, according to individual living conditions the Bible can also warn once, against being too self-righteous and intolerant or against obeying the norms and rules too word for word because one economises with it too strongly himself.


In dreams the Bible symbolises the knowledge.



  • see: Rest and peace attain,
  • hold: Your position is sure, your love to you faithfully.
  • read in it: can count on hope and satisfaction, – also: A temptation approaches which you can resist, however.
  • get from it read out: points to a blest household.

(European ones).:

  • see or in it read: sends a reminder to God’s trust, – happy household, – innocent joys experience,
  • one sees

  • people with Bible or hymnals: indicates a close death in the family,
  • shop: informal conflict will be added,
  • drop: meant a separation if a serious advice is rejected,
  • the apprenticeships of the Bible despise: by a friend of the temptation succumb.

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  1. connie

Dream interpretation and meaning : Bible

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