Belt dream dictionary


Belt dream dictionary

Belt – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – hold up, – protect, – tie together. Question: – Which connections is I to be produced ready?

In general:

If in the dream a belt attracts the attention of the dreaming to itself, he possibly feels by old settings, duties and so forth, tied up. Now and then he indicates also excessive power striving or sexual needs. A particularly formed belt (as for example a uniform belt or judo belt) is a symbol of power or rank. In the dream of a woman a belt can show the restricted feeling of her own femininity. In the dream of a man is the belt, as well as the belt, a power symbol. Belt can admonish as a piece of jewellery not to be so futile, superficial and complacent. Maybe he stands in general for the feeling to be restricted., Among the rest, one can derive the following meanings:

  • The put down belt points to an intimate respect in which the love blossoms, maybe also on the firm tape which surrounds a marriage.
  • of narrowly strapped belts points to a less hearty friendship. A narrow belt could also be a warning to control itself or to pay attention to the behaviour.
  • of tearing belts symbolises a separation of beloved people or objects.


Earlier one thought that the vitality sits in the loins and kidneys, the dream meaning of the belt is derived from it as a token of male strength and power. For the woman the belt is a symbol for cleanness and virtue (‘chastity belt’). However, in the dream the belt also stands often as a symbol for suppressed and controlled wishes and feelings of the dreaming, particularly what concerns his sexuality. In spiritual respect the dreaming is maybe ‘purblind’ because he still rests on outdated values and images. A belt can be interpreted as a tip to the inevitability by life and death.


A belt can symbolise power which the dreaming either already has or will still attain. At the spiritual level the belt in the dream symbolises wisdom, strength, power, justice, loyalty and truth. The dreaming should take note of this especially carefully, because he makes on the spiritual level progress in the right direction.



  • see: quick connection with a partner,
  • put down a white one: a wedding approaches,
  • to golden, put down: Wealth is to be expected,
  • carry: enter no new connections, – also: you are careful and succeed,
  • lose: Carelessness and negligence will damage to you, – one will make headway only slowly, but continuously, – also: you will give up a sure position, – also: Bad luck in the love,
  • find, in general: you will find helpful friends, – acquire trust,
  • find a fitting one: it will be brought to a soon big trust.


  • Having one a new belt around the body, he will use according to his beauty a new house supervisor, – the belt is inferior, his governor will be worth incapable and nothing, – the belt has torn, that will prepare for him worries and grief.
  • he will lose

  • Being of the belts got lost or been stolen, the governor by the death.

(European ones).:

  • a power attribute which is valid, primarily, as an erotic symbol in man’s dreams and women’s dreams,
  • see an old one: a vain trouble, – also: because of the impoliteness are reproved,
  • own a modern one: a stranger meet with whom one will make bad deals, – one watches out for financial losses and debts,
  • a golden one: if promises success,
  • damage one: if evil tells in,
  • carry: to honour come, – satisfaction, – tells quick connection in,
  • must strap more narrowly: One has spent too much money and now stands before financial difficulties to one in the ruin could float. Now logical thrift is announced.
  • find: you will acquire to you trust,
  • lose: Loss in the respect with the people, – negligence in a plan, – bad luck in the love,
  • give away: Defamation,
  • get as a gift: one will gain a new friend.


  • find: your trust to other people is too big,
  • carry: you will reach in any manner to wealth,
  • richly decorates: Prosperity,
  • lose: you will find no right progress,
  • more golden: quick marriage,
  • of silver: you will have to make to you your bread with a lot of trouble.

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