Barley – Dream Symbol Interpretation
The barley is the symbol of the spiritual and physical strength and confidence.
The ordering of the field is for marrying and for childless of good premeaning, – the arable land means nothing else than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children namely to wheat the sons and barley the daughters, it indicates legumes, however, miscarriages, – to all remaining people strain and hardship.
- see: Health attain,
- harvest: Birth of a daughter, as well as prosperity and a full life before,
- eat: it is given to one an indestructible health.
(European ones).:
- (pearl barley) eat: if good health registers,
- see: you come to prosperity, – the work yields fruit, one does justice to the demands which are made in one.
- spoilt ones: if means loss.
- see: you will come by the help of relatives to prosperity,
- eat: Health.