Bark dream dictionary


Bark dream dictionary

Bark – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – external cover, – protection. Question: – How can I find the right measure between excessive sensitivity and insensitivity?

In general:

Barks (tree) can point to too much openness and trustfulness in dealing with others by which one easily comes to damage. If one peels the bark, the often prosperity promises by laborious work. If she crumbles, one feels defenceless. Scratching of letter or sign in the bark indicates secret needs, often after a love relationship.


The bark in the dream protects the privacy. Possibly it is a request not to keep open the intimate sphere to everybody. In case of the injured bark the intimate sphere has been already injured by others. If one scratches into the bark of a tree something, erotic hopes which will soon sprout appear here!



  • of the bread: good health and long life,
  • of the tree: Property loss,
  • of the tree scratch: Love affair.

(European ones).:

  • see: one should not been too much in his private matters hineinschauen,
  • letters or such in them hineinritzen: certain heart’s desires come true,
  • peel: one will expose himself in a thing too much (lift out, demonstrate) and has disadvantages to expect thereby.


  • of trees: your property increases by your diligence.

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Dream interpretation and meaning : Bark

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