Banana dream dictionary


Banana dream dictionary

Banana – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Many dreams about fruits deal with sexuality and sensuousness. Because of her form the banana from age symbolises the penis. Nevertheless, it is interpreted because of her soft consistency also as a symbol for the use of male sexuality. Banana is to be understood above all in dreams of women mostly as a phallic symbol which points to sexual, maybe suppressed needs, – even more clearly is expressed when the banana is consumed. With men the consumption of a banana can also indicate unaware fears of sexuality, power loss or castration. If the dream was connected, e.g., with fear or disgust, this is sure as a request to understand to think over own sexual behaviour (or of the partner) – and to admit to itself confidential wishes also as well as taboos which one maybe ignores to the other for the sake of, but half-heartedly. In connection with other fruits it can be also understood than symbol of the fertility and the living. The closer meaning is directed in each case after the function of the symbol within the scope of the dream whole.


The banana is a symbol of the fertility.



  • sign of the sexual maturity and fertility, – expression of the longing for sexual love,
  • shop: you search a change and find them,
  • eat: you will receive in if a higher position shortens,
  • a banana is consumed in the dream, if certain wishes might soon come true,
  • banana sounds: you have expected of yourself too much, now there comes the setback.

(European ones).:

  • with women purely sexually to understand,
  • see: one finds approach with a person who understands emotionally well,
  • eat: the sexuality stronger awakes, – itself even unnecessary obligations impose, – the work gives no pleasure to you, – erotic wishes will soon come true,
  • spoilt ones: They will fail in one to convicted enterprise complicatedly,
  • trade with bananas prophesies unproductive ideas and interest situations in your sphere.

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