America dream dictionary


America dream dictionary

America – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – By virtue of, – ingenuity, – The New World, – patriotism, – world domination striving and protectionism, – crime, – moral depravity, – decadence, – crazy apprenticeships and wrong carried out God’s faith. Question: – What do I investigate? Which new worlds lie in me? Of whom does the Satan try me?


The country of the boundless possibilities – this concept is anchored so deeply in our working models that he himself is equated in the dream with freedom, daring, pioneer’s mind, initiative, progress and material success. Who dreams of it, either the European culture and tradition is fed up, or he is simply curious and unconventional. A stereotype – but one which itself ‘functions’ in the subconsciousness. Therefore, dreams with this continent register that one will come by these qualities soon to the aim, or should try more to file own Zaghaftigkeit. However, maybe one is also pointed out to excessive material successful striving and sobriety and is warned about an impoverishment linked with it of the soul life.



  • go: Why you want to break off the bridges

? If it considers to you what you do.

(European ones).:

  • see: Luck comes to you by own strains, – high officials should watch out for state affairs, others do well to pay attention to themselves, because annoyance stands in a queue.
  • travel there: you will have luck in enterprises.


  • what you have planned, can succeed.

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