Popular dreams

  • Popular dreams


A dream about feces (excrement) means happiness and abundance. This type of dream also symbolizes the expulsion of what is…

1 year ago
  • Popular dreams

Driving a car

A dream about driving a car A dream about driving a car is quite common and hints at which path…

1 year ago
  • Popular dreams

Dyeing your hair

When you dream about dyeing your hair, it means that there has been some change in your life. The dream…

1 year ago
  • Popular dreams

A dream about meeting a famous person

Dream about famous person Dreaming about a famous person can have different interpretations depending on the context and emotions in…

2 years ago
  • Popular dreams

A dream about slow motion running

It happens a lot in our dreams that we are in a rush, we are being chased by something, we…

2 years ago
  • Popular dreams

Dreams about biblical figures or religious symbols

The Biblical figures, as well as other religious symbols, root deeply in our psyche, usually much deeper than we are…

11 years ago
  • Popular dreams

Dreams about numbers

Numbers in dreams, just like other symbols, have a metaphorical meaning, which, unfortunately, is hard to interpret. They should not…

11 years ago
  • Popular dreams

Children’s dreams

The scientists who study our dreams and the process of sleep, came to a conclusion that the dominant impressions in…

11 years ago
  • Popular dreams

A dream about animals

Animals appear in our dreams quite often, as we meet them everyday and watch them on TV programs, in colorful…

11 years ago
  • Popular dreams

A dream about forgetting or losing a baby

A dream about forgetting or losing a baby Everybody who is a parent, takes care of babies professionally or have…

11 years ago