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A dream about slow motion running

It happens a lot in our dreams that we are in a rush, we are being chased by something, we are trying to avoid some kind of an accident or an event…but we are moving our legs so slowly, just like we were running in slow motion.

Running in slow motion dream

A dream about slow motion running

In the other version of this dream, we do not have any control over our muscles – we feel paralyzed or running costs us a great effort – just like we were in a quicksand. Although we concentrate on the escape, we are not able to do this and we see how fast the danger is coming – a person, a beast, but also a train, a car or an avalanche…


How to interpret a dream about slow motion running?

Dreams in which we happen to run in a slow motion often appear when we are supposed to make an important decision about something that can not wait. And so we feel like we stuck in one place with a decision in our real life and we can not get out of it anyhow, or we feel trapped because we have to make a difficult choice and we can not take the necessary steps. It may be related to, e.g. finishing a relationship, resigning of work, a disease, selling a car etc.

Why do i run so slow in my dreams

If we are willing to move forward in our dream, it is a good sign – probably our unconscious mind it trying to tell us that we are able to take a step forward. However, we have to realize why are we paralyzed, what it is related to, analyze our reaction to it and understand the source of our anxiety. And if we draw the correct conclusions – everything is going to be fine.

How would Freud interpret a dream about slow motion running?

For Freud, dreams in which a person is not able to move were the proof of the subconscious will of being caught. Most of all, he connected that need with the sexual sphere and that is how he interpreted it.

How would Jung interpret a dream about slow motion running?

For Jung, dreams in which people’s attempts to escape fail because of the inability to run prove that in reality, the dreamer does not want to accept an important, but sometimes worrying part of himself. The confrontation is necessary – despite it seems scary and we would like to run away from it.

Slow motion running in dream – what does it mean?

Last night you dreamed of running in slow motion. This dream can be scary, but it should not be taken literally. In the dream world, there are many subconscious messages.

Our unconscious shows a lot of inventiveness in putting together the most insane scenarios! It’s up to you, when you wake up, to distinguish right from wrong. Healthcare doctors have been studying dreams for many years. They recognized that understanding them can help their customers solve their problems.


In order to have the complete measure of a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics and associate them to obtain a correct interpretation.

We present on this website the fundamental interpretations linked to the dream of running in slow motion:

Dreaming of running in slow motion: an idealistic personality

To dream of running in slow motion proves that you are independent, anxious, interested, instinctive, imaginative, you are very proud of your differences.

Always ready for unusual activities, you rarely lean towards a moral code that is not your own. To dream of running in slow motion reveals that you are simple, open-minded, generous and casual, but you enjoy heterogeneity and complications in your human relationships.

To dream of running in slow motion means that you are an idealist, you want to renew people, things, society according to your personal theories, which you speak of easily.

You want power in your life. Dreaming of running in slow motion proves that you need to be passionate about something: revolt, technology or, on an even more esoteric level, the search for your authenticity, your inner life.

Confident and optimistic, you are a solid friend and show solidarity with as many people as you can. To dream of running in slow motion reveals that you are captivated by philosophy and the humanities.

Dream about running in slow motion: empathy and generosity

To dream of running in slow motion proves you are having health problems. In fact, that doesn’t mean you have a critical disorder. Your unconscious mind is prompting you to take care of your health. It could be a problem that seems small to you, such as a backache, a persistent cough, a difficulty remembering specific details… they could be manifestations of a much deeper disorder. Dreaming of running in slow motion shows that it is probably time for a thorough checkup.


To dream of running in slow motion means that you have a natural propensity to put others before you. You feel great when people around you feel positive. You are likely to neglect yourself and not show your desires. Dreaming of running in slow motion proves that over time, without realizing it, you have collected inner indignation. This weight you carry inside you wants to be released.

Dreaming of running in slow motion: a cooperative teammate

To dream of running in slow motion means that in order to start working you first need to overcome your mental dispersion. Absorbed by many problems, you find it difficult to concentrate. Anxious, tense, you unfold like a spring when released.

Dreaming of running in slow motion shows that more than triumph, it is the fascination for work that motivates you the most. Unconventional, complicated, instinctive, you are trying to find weird or great ideas that would maximize your work. The moment you discover your idea or your goal, you are surprised by unsuspected performances.

To dream of running in slow motion means that you are a cooperative and concerned teammate. You are curious in many ways. First, because you are interested in the personality of your co-workers. You have to talk. Second, because sometimes you don’t have common sense or usefulness, and sometimes you can make some dizzying mistakes.

To dream of running in slow motion reveals that you are human, warm and sensitive, which makes you sympathetic in people’s eyes. You like to help, to provide service, especially to those in need. You don’t care about power and you will never fight for it, but if you are despised, you know how to protect yourself!

Why are we normally not able to run fast in dreams?

In dreams, our perception of physical abilities can be distorted and limited by various psychological and physiological factors. The brain and body during sleep may not function in the same way as when we are awake, leading to reduced motor coordination and muscle strength. Additionally, emotions and feelings of fear, anxiety, or stress in the dream can also impact our physical abilities, making it feel like we are running slower. The exact reason why we may not be able to run fast in dreams can vary for each individual and is influenced by a complex interplay of psychological, emotional, and physiological factors.

Running in slow motion dream

Dreaming about running in slow motion can have different interpretations depending on the context and emotions in the dream. Here are some common interpretations of this type of dream:

  1. Frustration and disappointment: If you dream about running in slow motion, it could indicate that you are feeling frustrated, stuck, or limited in your waking life. This type of dream may reflect feelings of disappointment or disillusionment.
  2. Lack of control: If you dream about running in slow motion, it could indicate that you feel like you are losing control or that you are facing challenges that you feel powerless to overcome.
  3. Emotional turmoil: If you dream about running in slow motion, it could suggest that you are facing internal conflicts, struggles, or obstacles that are threatening your emotional or psychological well-being.
  4. Time constraints: If you dream about running in slow motion, it could indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by time constraints or that you are struggling to keep up with the pace of life.
  5. Physical limitations: If you dream about running in slow motion, it could indicate that you are facing physical limitations or that you are feeling physically exhausted or drained.

Overall, dreaming about running in slow motion can be a powerful and intense experience, and it can reflect deep-seated fears, anxieties, and emotions. However, the interpretation of the dream will depend on the context and emotions experienced in the dream.

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  • Everytime I want to ride a jeepney, a mode of transportation in my country, I had difficulty climbing, like in slow motion. I tried so hard to climb but I just couldn't. Had this kind of dreams many times. Sometimes in a stair, sometimes a snake and when I tried to run, i ran in slow motion.

    • Dreams about struggling to climb, run, or move in slow motion can have various interpretations. Here are a few possible explanations for these recurring dream themes:

      Symbol of Obstacles: The difficulty in climbing or running may represent challenges or obstacles you are encountering in your waking life. It could reflect a feeling of being stuck or unable to make progress in certain areas of your life, such as work, relationships, or personal goals. Consider the specific circumstances in your life where you feel hindered or unable to move forward.

      Symbol of Frustration or Powerlessness: Dreams of slow motion movement can reflect a sense of frustration, powerlessness, or a lack of control over certain situations. It may indicate feelings of being overwhelmed or unable to keep up with the pace of life. Reflect on areas of your life where you feel overwhelmed or out of control, and explore ways to regain a sense of empowerment.

      Anxiety or Stress: Dreams of struggling or moving slowly can be associated with underlying anxiety or stress. These dreams may be a reflection of your subconscious mind processing and expressing your emotions and concerns. Take time to identify any sources of stress or anxiety in your life and explore healthy coping mechanisms to manage them.

      Inner Self-Reflection: Dreams often provide an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. The recurring theme of struggling to move could be a symbol of an internal struggle or conflict you may be experiencing. It may be helpful to explore your feelings, desires, and goals, and assess whether there are any internal barriers or conflicts that are hindering your progress.

  • Slow motion ,up high in building,bad storm, trying to leave,Sister,Brother big house thick cement wall and floor and a white cat, I want to get home

    • In your dream, you were in a building high up and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. There was a bad storm outside, and you were trying to leave. You noticed that your sister and brother were with you, and you were all in a big house with thick cement walls and floors. In the house, there was also a white cat.

      You had a strong desire to get home, but you couldn't leave the house because of the storm. It seemed like you were all stuck there. Despite the slow motion, you were still feeling anxious and worried about getting home.

      This dream may be reflecting your feelings of being stuck in a situation that you can't control or feeling like you're not able to move forward. The storm and slow motion may symbolize obstacles or difficulties in your life that are making it hard for you to make progress.

      Your sister and brother being with you in the dream could represent the people in your life who are also affected by these obstacles. The thick cement walls and floors may symbolize the barriers that are keeping you from reaching your goals or desires.

      The white cat in the dream may represent a sense of calm or innocence amidst the chaos and difficulties you are facing. Overall, this dream may be telling you to stay calm and patient in the face of adversity and to trust that you will eventually be able to reach your goals and get where you want to go.

    • The meaning of this dream can be very individual, but here are some possible interpretations:

      Slow motion: The slowness in this dream may suggest a feeling of incapability or delay. Perhaps you feel like you are not making progress in a certain area of your life or that things are not moving as quickly as you would like them to.

      Up high in a building: Being up high in a building can represent a sense of achievement, progress, or ambition. It can also represent a desire for a new perspective or a need to escape from something.

      Bad storm: A storm in a dream can represent a sense of chaos, turmoil, or emotional unrest. Perhaps there is something in your life that is causing you a lot of stress or anxiety.

      Trying to leave: The act of trying to leave in a dream can suggest a desire for change or a need to escape from a difficult situation. You may be feeling trapped or stuck in a certain area of your life.

      Sister and brother: The presence of family members in a dream can represent a sense of connection or support. Alternatively, they can represent aspects of yourself that you are trying to integrate or reconcile.

      Big house with thick cement walls and floors: The house in this dream may represent your sense of security or stability. The thick walls and floors could suggest a need for protection or a feeling of being isolated.

      White cat: The cat in this dream can represent a sense of mystery, independence, or grace. It can also represent feminine energy or intuition.

      Wanting to get home: The desire to get home in a dream can represent a need for comfort, security, or a sense of belonging. You may be feeling lost or disconnected in some area of your life and longing for a sense of homecoming.

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