
  • Popular dreams

Dreams about numbers

Numbers in dreams, just like other symbols, have a metaphorical meaning, which, unfortunately, is hard to interpret. They should not…

11 years ago
  • N


The dreamer who carries a number is not necessarily in the awake life the big number which it would like…

14 years ago
  • F


see, read or write: Put the seen figures in the lottery. (pers).: you says that a serious failure approaches the…

14 years ago
  • E


Association: - Inspiration, - revolution, - correspondence of the number Two at a higher level. Question: - What is I…

14 years ago
  • E


To dream of the number eighteen signifies materialistic desires as well as issues of corporeal affects. It can be a…

14 years ago
  • E


Association: - Eternity, - fullness, - cosmic consciousness. Question: - What is I to be received ready? Psychologically: Death and…

14 years ago
  • C


To dream that you are playing a game of cards suggests that you are an expert at using strategy, tactics,…

14 years ago