
If a dream trades of the fact that the dreaming takes part in a raffle, he expresses with it his need without winning own strain and with the support only from luck. The sales of lots in the dream betray the wish of the dreaming to help other people. However, the event of a raffle refers to a group activity from which everybody can profit.


Even if game of chance does not stand for the dreaming ordinarily to the debate, she can have, because she also serves a beneficent purpose, in the dream the function, the conscience of the dreaming who has taken a risk to calm.



At the spiritual level the raffle in the dream can symbolise the need for mild activity. However, the risks linked with it are recognised at the same time also like vulnerability. The person must learn to trust his destiny.



  • The big luck does not come, you wait in vain.

(European ones).:

  • this dream shows a warning that one earns no success, – also: is generous in the treatment more different and not is so stingy.
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  • Can you tell my what it means to get a free raffle ticket with the number 109 on it. Everyone was being given one, mine was given reluctantly. Thanks

    • Dream interpretation is a very personal process and can vary depending on the individual's experiences and emotions. However, here are a few possible interpretations for your dream:

      The number 109: In numerology, the number 109 represents independence, self-determination, and leadership. Seeing this number in your dream could suggest that you are feeling the need to take control of a situation in your life and assert your independence.

      Winning a raffle: Winning a raffle in a dream may indicate that you are hoping for luck or good fortune in your waking life. Alternatively, it could symbolize feeling like you have earned a reward or recognition for your hard work.

      Reluctantly given raffle ticket: The fact that your raffle ticket was given reluctantly could suggest that you feel like you are not fully accepted or welcomed in a certain situation. This could be related to work, relationships, or other areas of your life.

      Overall, this dream may be highlighting your desire for independence and success, while also indicating that you may feel like an outsider in certain situations.

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