A dream about a swimming pool

dream symbols swimming-pool

A dream about a swimming pool

A swimming pool is one of the most often appearing symbol in our dreams, that is why we should look into its meaning closely, as it may influence the way we consider ourselves and different features of our personality.

We can dream of different contexts related to a swimming pool – we can see people swimming in it and swim with them (fully dressed, wearing a swimsuit or naked), swim alone or be drowning in it, see a swimming pool filled with clean or dirty water, even an empty one…there are plenty of possibilities.

How to interpret a dream about a swimming pool?

A swimming pool is the symbol of limited unconsciousness. That is because swimming pools are artificial constructions, strictly connected with our society. They boundaries are defined, their depth is known and we know what to expect from them, they give us a possibility of a safe contact with water.

As a result, dreams about a swimming pool may be interpreted as the dreams related to the limited part of our unconsciousness, the more accessible one, on the contrary to the boundless expanses of the ocean, sea, lakes or rivers, which are associated with the reserves of unconsciousness that we barely know.

A swimming pool located near house will have more personal meaning than a public one located, e.g. near a school or a resort – on such a pool obtain common rules.

Interpreting a dream about a swimming pool, you should pay attention to who you are swimming with, what your swimming skills are, what you are wearing and what the quality of water is. Think whether it was a private pool or a public one, as well as about your mental state during swimming or looking at the other swimmers.

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2 Comments for A dream about a swimming pool dream symbol

  1. Nelda Dee
  2. buckus

Dream interpretation and meaning : A dream about a swimming pool

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