A dream about a house of childhood

A dream about a house of childhood

A dream about a house of childhood

A house of childhood is the place believed to be the symbol of the an order and a safe shelter, which is treated like a sacrum considering the role it plays in every family’s life.

A comeback to the house of childhood may happen not only in reality, but also in a dream. Here we suddenly find ourselves in a house which we identify with the place we spend our earliest years in. Sometimes we take part in the events going on there, sometimes we are only a spectators – we watch ourselves of the childhood, among our relatives.

How to interpret a dream about a house of childhood?

A house, as mentioned, is a very personal place for every human, causing strong feelings. A house of our childhood reminds us of the specific period of our life, but it may also play the role of the metaphor or our ego. It is the metaphor of ourselves, the emotional attempt to go back in time to our youth, to connect with the feelings towards our parents.

It is worth wondering whether those returning memories are connected with some particular event in our present life. What feelings do we associate with our house of childhood? Are they positive or negative? What was our mood in the dream? It is possible that the dream is a hint how to solve the problem we are struggling with. It is worth making effort to find a relation between what was in the past and what is now to explain the cause of the returning emotional baggage.

How would Freud interpret a dream about a house of childhood?

Basing on his research, Freud come to a conclusion that dreams about hidden wishes which were created from our aware or suppressed memories of childhood appear quite often. Discovering the event which our dream is related to may help us cure our worries, frustrations etc.

How would Jung interpret a dream about a house of childhood?

In Jung’s opinion, a house is the metaphor for the ego, the house of soul. Dreaming about coming back to the house of our childhood is connected with the emotional comeback to our mother, father, tradition and history.

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One Response for A dream about a house of childhood dream symbol

  1. Chelly

Dream interpretation and meaning : A dream about a house of childhood

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