
Key words: Bait, – food. Description: Minnows belong as a small, unimportant kind the carp fishing and prefer not warm sweet waters rich in oxygen. Anglers use them mostly as a bait for bigger fish which they serve as for the rest than food. General meaning: A part of itself which feels vulnerable small, – a part of you who is afraid of it from others “swallows” or to be taken in, – an aspect of itself which nourishes the rest of you. Association: Small fish, insignificance. Transcendent meaning: A bait which is offered to you to promote to your dreams or to tempt you into the entry into areas for which you are prepared not enough.

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  • I dreamt my son and
    I jumped into a pool so thick with minnows, it was hard to bounce back up and reach the surface.

    • Dreaming about swimming in a pool filled with minnows may represent a sense of being overwhelmed or suffocated in a situation. The thick layer of minnows may symbolize small problems or concerns that are adding up and making it difficult to stay afloat.

      The fact that you and your son were both in the pool may suggest that you both share this feeling of being overwhelmed or burdened. However, the fact that you were able to bounce back up and reach the surface may indicate that you have the strength and resilience to overcome these challenges and find a way to stay afloat.

      Overall, this dream may be a reminder to pay attention to the small things in your life that may be weighing you down and to find ways to stay afloat and maintain your mental and emotional well-being.

  • In my dream I am standing on a warm sandy beach watching my 4 year old daughter stare at a giant bowl full of fingernail sized minnows. She had a package of noodles in her hand and said she wants the bowl so she can eat her noodles. I did not dump the minnows out of the bowl but led my daughter away from the beach.

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