Hostility is one of the emotions which one works on Ideally in the dream. If the dreaming fathoms her causes in the dream, he receives a new access to the real feeling in the awake state and can work on it safely. If the dreaming feels hostility during his dream in himself, it probably concerns the direct expression of this feeling. The dream offers a sure and safe valve to this dangerous emotion as this the everyday life would not be able. If the dreaming experiences another person than hostilely in his dream, this can be a tip to the fact that he must make wrong behaviour patterns towards his people deliberate to himself.
The people which reject the personal stamping of spirituality with the dreaming can release hostility in him. Nevertheless, he must learn to accept that in spiritual regard everybody must not divide his opinion. Gourmet
- One mistrusts you and you have a difficult job. Patience have and wait.
(European ones).:
- see: Illness,
- with zusammensitzen: an honouring receive, but be surrounded by egocentric people,
- even one be: with mind and body float by the highest heights,
- tried a woman to satisfy a gourmet will receive them though a famous husband, however, this will behave to her towards as a tyrant.