
Talking Animals

Dreams can serve as a reflection of our subconscious, revealing hidden emotions, desires, and experiences. The act of talking with animals in dreams can offer a unique perspective on …


Dreams can serve as a mirror to our subconscious, reflecting our deepest fears, desires, and experiences. The symbol of a taser, while specific, can offer insights into various aspects …

Attending A Wedding

Dreaming about attending a wedding can have a range of interpretations and meanings, depending on the context and personal experiences of the dreamer. Attending A Wedding Dream Meaning In …

Asking for help

Dreaming about asking for help is a common experience and can have a range of interpretations and meanings based on the dreamer’s personal experiences and psychological state. Asking for …


The asteroid, seen through the eyes of our subconscious in dreams, is a significant and unfortunately very often destructive sign in the sky. It is not a fixed celestial …


Symbol of your own ambitions and desires that are impossible for many people to achieve. When Man Reaches for the Stars….. There is always something unimaginable happening. Seeing yourself …


If you dreamed of Armageddon, then expect problems that others will try to blame you for. Remember to prove your innocence and stand firm, otherwise you may be blamed …

Art gallery

A dream about a gallery is a symbol of the dreamer’s creativity, creative nature and artistic soul, which in the long run can collectively contribute to handsome financial gains. …


A dream about an argument If you dream about an argument, it may mean that you are suppressing some feelings inside you. It may be mainly anger, resentment, rage, …


Dreaming about an apostle can have various interpretations, depending on the context and details of the dream. Apostle Dream Meaning Here are some common meanings associated with dreaming about …


The dream about the app is a warning against dangerous temptations that lurk at every step in our lives. It is a symbol of new solutions and quick access …


The dream could be a representation of one’s own vulnerability and exposure, or a symbol of release and letting go. It is important to keep in mind that the …


In general, it embodies a message from the subconscious that must be taken into account and used in shaping one’s own life. Angel means looking for a way out …

American flag

Dreaming about the American flag is a common experience that can evoke a wide range of emotions and interpretations. The American flag is a symbol of patriotism, freedom, and …


Amnesia is an example of a dream in which we can suddenly completely change the perception of the world in which we live. Amnesia dream meaning Dream about amnesia …

Amputated arm, leg

Amputation of the arm or leg – cutting off something that does not meet our expectations and is basically already dead. Only such a decisive attitude will help not …

Amusement park

An amusement park in a dream can mean that you are beginning to see your life as fun, interesting and adventurous. At the same time, the dream can mean …

Alternate reality

Alternate reality dreams can be intriguing and confusing, often leaving us wondering what they mean. These types of dreams are defined as dreams in which the dreamer experiences a …


This dream means that on waking you feel lonely, perhaps isolating yourself from others. On a more positive note, however, this dream may signify your need for independence. It …


Alaska – a remote area of the world, which by its pronunciation indicates that you isolate yourself from your surroundings and avoid social life… Alaska in dreams means loneliness, …

AK47 Rifle

Dreams about AK-47 rifles can have a variety of different interpretations because they can be influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and unconscious desires. However, it’s important to note that …


Air in a dream most often symbolizes freedom, creativity, intelligence and inspiration needed for success, especially if it is clean and you breathe it freely. Dream about air Dreams …


Dreams about airports can have a variety of different interpretations because they can be influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and unconscious desires. Here are a few common interpretations: It’s …

Afro Hair

Dreams about Afro hair can have a variety of different interpretations, as they can be influenced by personal experiences, cultural beliefs, and unconscious desires. Here are a few common …


Dreams about affairs can have a number of different interpretations because they can be influenced by a variety of factors such as personal experience, cultural beliefs, and unconscious desires. …


The dream symbolizes a subtle mist of gentleness for the senses with which you should surround yourself in a given matter to achieve your goal. The dream symbolism thus …


A dream about airplanes can represent economic success and knowledge. However, it can also be a warning not to give up. An airplane is a means of transportation that …


Dreaming about an actress can have different interpretations, depending on the context of the dream and the emotions that the dreamer experiences in the dream. In general, dreaming about …


This dream can mean that you feel lonely and abandoned, you want the closeness of another person, you want to feel needed and loved. Dream meaning adoption When the …


Advice given in a dream symbolizes a hidden message or lesson that is transmitted through our subconscious. Dream meaning Advice The dream may indicate that you already know what …


Africa, otherwise known as the Black Continent, can be a symbol of the dark side of your personality in a dream. Therefore, if you dream about this continent in …


A yam is a tuber (root) commonly consumed throughout the world. It is versatile and plentiful. To see a yam in your dream can indicate nutrition and eating. Also, …


Both the instrument and all music are serene manifestations of inner harmony. The cello appears in your dream as a symbol of inner harmony and peace with yourself, especially …


A dream about a hairdresser can refer to various aspects of your life. It foretells changes or the need to make them. It also draws attention to the intangible, …


To pass an exam in a dream means that you will be tested or examined in some area of your life. A dream about exams is associated with anxiety. …


A dream about a boar can mean courage and strength but also danger. A boar is an animal with a high temperament that can be aggressive. Dreams with boars …


A dream about a girl usually has a lot to do with your spiritual and emotional side. It signals that you should be prepared to face all situations that …