
This symbol indicates other realities and foreign behavior that you may discover in yourself.

Dream meaning abroad

If in a dream you go abroad, it means that great changes are coming. The dream can also foretell acquaintanceships with foreigners.


When you are abroad in a dream, a longing for stability, sometimes a sense of loneliness.

When you arrive from abroad, family happiness and prosperity.

If for some reason you are afraid to go abroad, a suggestion that you are afraid of life and what fate will bring.

When you are looking for a job abroad, a financial crisis or, on the contrary, an increase in income.

When you greet foreign people, someone will make a great impression on you.

If you die abroad, a sense of loneliness or abandonment.


Meaning of the dream FOREIGN in other cultures and Dreambooks

Arabic Dreambook

When you greet a foreign visitor, you should expect trouble.

If you go abroad,you will do something that you will be ashamed of.

When you return from abroad,a nice meeting with loved ones. You will understand what is important to you.

When you are working abroad or looking for a job there, financial crisis.

Indian Dreambook

If you go abroad in a dream, a chance to get rich.

When you earn money abroad, dreams of a better life that have a chance of coming true.

When you return from abroad, harmony in life, family happiness.


If you greet some foreign visitor, a chance for good business.

What does it mean to dream about abroad

Dreaming of being abroad can have a number of different interpretations, depending on the context of the dream and the individual’s personal associations with travel and foreign places. In general, a dream about being abroad is often symbolic of the dreamer’s desire for adventure and exploration, as well as their search for meaning and fulfillment in their lives.

A common interpretation of a dream about being abroad is that it represents the dreamer’s desire for adventure and excitement. In this interpretation the dreamer may feel that his life is routine and mundane and that he needs to shake things up in order to feel alive. The strange place in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to escape his or her daily routine and experience something new and exciting. The dreamer may feel that they need to take risks, step out of their comfort zone, and see the world in a new light.

Another interpretation of a dream about going abroad is that it represents the dreamer’s search for meaning and purpose in life. In this interpretation, the dreamer may feel that they are at a crossroads and need to find their true calling in order to find fulfillment and happiness. The strange place in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to explore new ideas, gain new perspectives, and find answers to their deepest questions. The dreamer may feel the need to embark on a journey of self-discovery and find his or her own path in life.

In some cases, the dream of being abroad may represent the dreamer’s fear of the unknown. In this interpretation, the dreamer may feel that he is facing uncertainty or change in his life and that he is not prepared for what lies ahead. The strange place in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of the unknown, and the dreamer may feel that he is in over his head and that he needs to be careful. The dreamer may feel that they need to be careful and take things slowly in order to stay safe and avoid making mistakes.

Another common interpretation of a dream about being abroad is that it represents the dreamer’s desire for independence and freedom. In this interpretation, the dreamer may feel that he is stuck in a rut and that he needs to break free from his constraints in order to live life on his own terms. The strange place in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to escape their current situation, to live life on their own terms, and to pursue their dreams and aspirations. The dreamer may feel that he must be brave and take a leap of faith in order to find the freedom and independence he seeks.

It is also important to consider the specific context of the dream when interpreting the meaning of a dream about being abroad. For example, if the dreamer is traveling alone in the dream, this may symbolize the dreamer’s desire for independence and self-discovery. On the other hand, if the dreamer is traveling with a group of people in the dream, it may symbolize the dreamer’s desire for companionship and support.

In conclusion, the meaning of a dream about being abroad can be complex and varied, depending on the individual’s personal associations with travel and foreign places, as well as the specific context of the dream. Whether the dreamer is seeking adventure and excitement, meaning and purpose, independence and freedom, or a combination of these things, being abroad in the dream can be a powerful symbol of their aspirations and desires.


Dream about abroad

A dream about a foreign country foretells changes in many areas. If you dreamed of a Foreign Country then expect to have a chance to change your life and open up to a new one.

Meaning of dreams with the theme of abroad

A foreign country in a dream is also a symbol of good news that you will receive in the coming days. A dream about staying abroad means a pleasant trip in the near future to another country in the company of other people.

If you have a dream that you are visiting beautiful places on your trip or traveling in your dream fills you with joy then expect the results of your trip to be positive and bring you contentment.

If you are traveling in unknown lands it means that you are an adventurous person, fond of risk and open to the world – you will find yourself in any life situation and travel is your daily bread.

On the other hand, if you are dreaming of a trip, and you don’t have any planned in the near future, maybe you should think about it? A trip or so-called “small vacation” should not hurt anyone. Such a trip can last 2 weeks if you have enough outstanding vacation time. It can last a weekend – you can go somewhere in the nearby countryside or in a slightly more touristy area. You probably have the sea or mountains in your mind. Do not forget that our country has many interesting tourist attractions, such as castles ????

Abroad – Dream symbol interpretation

What affects the interpretation of a dream about staying abroad?

Before interpreting a dream in which a trip abroad occurred, it is worth answering a few questions:

  • Was it a trip by car?
  • If so, who was behind the wheel?
  • Was someone traveling with you?
  • What gender was the person who was traveling with you?
  • Do you remember what the person you were riding with looked like?
  • Do you know the person in the real world that you dreamed about?
  • How did the person who rode with you behave in your dream?
  • What was she doing in your dream? What activities did she perform?
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