

dream yellowAssociation: – Vitality, – intellect, – clarity. Question: – What try I to understand?

medicine wheel:

Key words: Warmth, – the sun, – trust, – sunny nature, – luck, – encouragement, – fun, – spiritual reality, – mind, – Shawnodese, southern guardian of the mind, – moon of the budding trees, – strength, – western soul path. Description: Yellow it is assigned together with green in the medicine wheel to the south and Shawnodese, to the southern guardian of the mind. Yellow is also connected with the moon of the budding trees (from the 21st of March to the 19th of April) and with the quality strength and the internal position of the western soul path, indeed, in a rather golden brown stamping. The colour is associated Yellow often with the sun high standing in the sky. She causes new and quick growth and is a guarantor for warmth. The colour is of piercing quality and often brings feelings of cheerfulness and humor with itself. General meaning: A part of your world which finds out quick growth. Association: Be yellow with envy, – Yellow as the colour of negative feelings like jealousy, envy, avarice. Transcendent meaning: To penetrate support into it, in new empires.


In general:

If is the golden-shining colour of the sun which illuminates the life and is illuminated. Yellow stands in the dream for maturity and spiritual activity. Golden brown stands for the wisdom and the magnanimity, Medium yellow for egoism and Pale-yellow for disappointments which the life gives.


The colour of the movement and the communication (e.g., post) – and the colour of the sunlight is a symbol for energy, for the fullness of the life and for ‘rich harvest’ – also in the spiritual area.



  • colour: Annoyance, because you have big envious people who want to bring you around your property.

(European ones).:

  • colour of the femininity by which one comes fateful to good like to annoyance.

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  1. vickie

Dream interpretation and meaning : Yellow

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