Tag: birds


The songbirds who twitter bodily, like the wren and similar, describe belletrists, musicians and people with voice full of sound. Popular: (arab).: you will win in the love. (European …


Swallow symbolises the longing for domestic luck, – one can expect it above all when the swallows flutter in the house. If one believes old legends, the dream of …


Key words: Trusted, – musically, – connection. Description: The sparrow is a sparrow’s bird who came from Europe in the United States. He has well settled down and is …


Pheasant embodies luck, health, joy of life and success if one sees him in the dream, goes hunting or consumes. Often he often circumscribes mental high spirits or soaringly …


Pelicans mean silly people who do everything without rhyme or reason, further they point out to the fact that a thief or a run away slave is hidden near …


A dream about a parrot can be a representation of new achievements and discoveries in your life, but also a foreshadowing of falsehoods in friendships. It can also be …


To dream of an oriole suggests warmth. It may represent the sun, light, and gladness. Orioles may likewise represent the summer season.


Association: – Security, – comfort. Question: – Where in my life I look for protection? What comforts me? What does a feeling of the comfort give to me? In …


The aping animals, like the jay, call bateleur eagle and guys who know all tricks. Popular: (European ones).: the difficulties whose overcoming the highest strains require, – also: nice …


The cockatoo betrays to the dreaming that he inclines to accept habits and characteristics of other people and to neglect his ideas and principles. To be successful in the …


The personified (ecclesiastical / spiritual) power and dignity, as well as symbol for ‘top-flight’, essential decisions. Also he stands for the reverence and dignity which the dreaming feels towards …


The favorite bull of many lonesome people is to be interpreted as an aerial being like every bird spiritually emotionally, hence, the psychic loneliness and the internal unfreedom of …


in general: stand for suggestive clap or irritating scandals, hear speaking: a longest forgotten scandal comes to light again, one is associated with unlawful machinations, on a train seated: …


To see a blackbird in your dream is a sign of bad luck to come. It can also indicate that you do not feel the drive or determination to …


Birds are a symbol of joy, freedom, and peace. They connect heaven and ground, so in many ancient cultures, they are considered messengers of the gods. They represent people …


To dream of a beak represents a warning sign for slight risk of harm or danger. For instance, you may have to overcome an undesirable event or possibly do …


The dovecote is a very positive symbol, it means profits, benefits, successful business. It is also a symbol of peace, harmony and love. Dream Meaning Aviary When you spill …


This bird in a dream is a harbinger of some good news that you will learn from a person you don’t know yet and are yet to make acquaintance …