A dream about being lost

A dream about being lost

A dream about being lost

Dreams about being lost in a more or less know place are quite common.

We are wandering around a neighborhood, walking the usual way, which this time leads us to a different place, or we can not find a familiar point of reference. We are unable to determine our location – either we are alone, or nobody can help us. We are desperately looking for the way home, we think that we are about to get to the destination and…disappointment.


How to interpret a dream about being lost?

Dreams about being lost indicate that we are looking for the right way in real life, and that we doubt whether our decisions are correct. It is also possible that we are going through spiritual crisis, which makes us confused and devastated. We are disoriented and need help. Interpreting the dream, we should think whether our emotions comply with our reactions in real life, let’s try to refer them to a specific situation. Thanks to it, we will be able to deal with the bothering problem and find the most accurate solution.

How would Freud interpret a dream about being lost?

For Freud, all dreams about being lost, falling down etc. were – especially for women – the metaphor for the fear of losing virginity and fertility, and for men – the metaphor for the fear of impotence.

How would Jung interpret a dream about being lost?

According to Jung, dreams about being lost mean that we are facing problems and obstacles on the way to discovering our self in real life.

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