A dream about a bear

A dream about a bear

A dream about a bear

A bear is the loner of the animal world, which is respected and admired thanks to his massive posture. However, despite the biggest admiration, nobody would like to meet with it eye to eye in his natural environment.

Such a situation may happen in our dream. Wandering in the woods, we may suddenly meet a bear coming our from behind the trees, or we may enter a cave and meet with it eye to eye. We are waiting for its attack, which we will not be able to fend off, we feel our galloping hear and its rate, we are terribly scared…


In our dream, we can also see a bear in the circus or in a cage in the zoo, we may be fighting with it and – to our surprise – defeat it, or – in one of the most untypical versions – dress up as a bear.

How to interpret a dream about a bear?

A bear is the symbol of revival and resurrection, and also of the introduction to the passage of life – mostly because it hibernates in winter and wakes up in spring. Many feminine goddess were accompanied by it, e.g Artemis or Diana, in alchemy it was believed to be the nigredo, which is the darkness before the new stage of life. Because of its strength, it often appears in heroic myths, symbolizing the masculine Sun element.

It can be also interpreted as the wild masculine strength, primitive, wild instincts hidden in us, overprotectiveness and, in the christian context – as bodily desires, evil or even the devil.

If we meet with a bear eye to eye in our dream, and we are standing still, like paralyzed, waiting to be attacked, maybe we put ourselves in the role of the victim in real life too often – we underestimate our possibilities, overestimate the others, consider the surrounding to be a giant bear, we feel endangered by it and insecure, but are marginalizing those fears and they return in our dreams. If we defeat the bear, it is highly possible that we will manage to defeat our fears in reality, or that a big change or a regeneration in our life are possible to happen.

A bear in the circus may mean that we are afraid of being a figure of fun, or that we are ashamed of something we did or said. A bear in a cage is the symbol of the upcoming success.


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