Category: C


Crocodiles in dreams are usually a warning sign, Dreambook encourages you to keep an eye on everything around you. The dream allows you to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally …


crochet: one will be got involved because of own excessive curiosity for the matters of other people in a silly thing, – one should not speak so frankly with …


Association: – handicapped, – Eingeschränktheit. Question: – What may become healthy in me? Psychologically: In this dream it is about mental or spiritual ‘impediment’ – in any case, around …


To dream that you or someone else commits a crime implies that you regret an action you have performed or you are feeling embarrassment. You are prohibiting your inner …


To hear cries of distress, denotes that you will be engulfed in serious troubles, but by being alert you will finally emerge from these distressing straits and gain by …


To dream of a crib indicates the development of a new innovation or notion. It may also represent your ability to provide comfort, security, and devotion to others. A …


To dream of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforseen{sic} circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much. …


To dream of a creek symbolizes the methods you use to express your feelings and spirituality. To see a dried-up creek implies that you are seeking balance and harmony …


To dream of asking for credit, denotes that you will have cause to worry, although you may be inclined sometimes to think things look bright. To credit another, warns …


Cream promises a good success if one makes the right decision. Popular: (arab).: see: you can hope for a big monetary entrance, (the fat part of the milk) eat: …


To dream that you are going crazy implies that you have temporarily strayed from your chosen path or direction. Perhaps a close friend is no longer trustworthy or reliable. …


To dream that you are crawling on the ground, and hurt your hand, you may expect humiliating tasks to be placed on you. To crawl over rough places and …


To dream of being in a crash or something crashing around you implies that you have finally been able to overcome an obstacle or hardship. It may also symbolize …


Key words: Patience, – water, – feelings, – connection with earth, sky and water, – executive, – charm, – contemplation. Description: Cranes are leggy birds of passage who live …


Key words: Red, – around, – eatable, – crossly. Description: Cranberries are red, eatable nevertheless relatively sour berries which well taste to wild courts. They grow on the edge …


If one dreams of having a cramp in a body part, one should pay attention in the next time to his health and not overestimate himself in physical regard. …


see, religiously: one should look after a secret in himself, day nursery, blank: missed love, day nursery, completely: rich success and love in the house, animal cradle, completely: Profit, …


Baking crackers or seeing them baked is a fortunate dream signifying happy social times in the offing. Eating crackers is a forerunner of domestic or lovers’ quarrels. If your …


Key words: Crossly, – sweet blossoms, – bitter fruits, – deceptively. Description: Crab apples are small, very sour apples which grow either wildly or in cultured form. From the …


To dream of a crab represents stubborn and determined aspects of your personality. You may possibly be too reliant on others and refuse to let go of a fruitless …


To dream that you or someone is a coward implies your reluctance to recognize the aspects of your personality and character. You are not allowing your talents and skills …


Association: – pliantly and productively, – more nourishing although passive aspect. Question: – Am I passive? What do I feed? medicine wheel: Key words: At home, – milk, – …


From which also always she is: a protective symbol and warm symbol. If she is from clear material (foil): One would like to differentiate himself, although one is open, …


see or speak: pleasant society find, – also: you will have issues. (European ones).: one will receive visit. (ind).: relatives’ visit.


Association: – surrounded area, – personal space. Question: – What surrounds me? Psychologically: Court can ask to win a little bit more distance to itself, to consider itself more …


To dream of counting your children, and they are merry and sweet-looking, denotes that you will have no trouble in controlling them, and they will attain honorable places. To …


Counterfeit money can point to a deception or a disappointment, – either one himself becomes the victim, or one wants to add himself other something bad. This symbol for …


The cough in the dream can be translated best of all with the phrase ‘to him I will cough what’. He symbolises the defence of external claims against which …


This comfortable place of the relaxation has in the dream often an erotic meaning. The question is: Who sat on the couch? Together with you? Only? It could concern …


with child: Illness in the family. (European ones).: one see: stands for grief, illness or accident, see a whole series of cots: one will not be alone in the …


Cosmetics is used for all sorts of reasons and is often understood in terms of facade. She serves for the improvement of the appearance to like to the concealment …


Dreaming of a corpse means vitality, health and much joy. It is a sign of professional success and foretells wonderful experiences. Seeing a corpse in your dream means that …


From all rituals the coronation is certainly the most impressive one. If one himself is crowned in the dream, one probably has a lot of reason for the pride …


hold one in the hand: now one should hold on something what is offered to one, it is own luck. (4, – 27) (European ones).: hold one in the …